Cat was released from quarantine Saturday morning after his run in with another animal and subsequent bout of minor surgery last week. He had to be kept away from Beagle and Auxiliary Dog while he had a drain in his back so they wouldn’t mess with it. Even after getting the drain taken out, he has to keep that ridiculous cone on his head for a week, which has caused me no end of amusement.
I’m allowed to laugh at him. I had to clean the bathroom after he was freed. I had to clean up what I can only describe as a nightmare of excrement and sadness. He gets no sympathy from me ever again. I deserve to laugh at him.
Besides, in the long run, Cat will be fine. He’s just got a few more days of looking mildly ridiculous, and a month or so for the fur on his butt to grow back. The only real tragedy in all of this has been the breakup of Beagle and Cat. As readers of the earlier DFTC blog (yep, I just abbreviated my own blog. My pretension knows no bounds.) will remember, Beagle and Cat had a very strange, boy-on-boy, cross-species thing going on. Snuggling and making out between the two were not at all unheard of. Throughout the quarantine, Beagle spent a good bit of time looking meaningfully at the door to the bathroom where Cat was sequestered, as if asking “what the hell? Where’s my cat?” Unfortunately, once Cat was let out, and Beagle saw the cone, he decided they should maybe see other people. He could have been more sensitive in his delivery of this message - freaking right out every time Cat got near him was pretty cold.
It’s disappointing that Beagle could be that shallow, yes, but to be fair it would never have worked out anyway. The world just wouldn’t except them. For now, I think the joy of being sprung from the clink has softened the blow of the breakup. For now...
You provided me with no end of amusement. Poor cat.